Since launching How to Democrat in the Age of Trump in Swampland, USA (aka Washington, DC), Team Lux has been to New York City, Chicago, Houston, Des Moines, Jefferson City, Lincoln, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and New Orleans to spread the gospel of debunking false choices, and of uniting the grassroots and establishment factions within the Left to build an enduring progressive governing majority.
In the coming weeks, we'll do a West Coast swing through the San Francisco Bay Area with stops in Pacific Heights and Piedmont, addresses available upon RSVP. We'll be there during Gov. Brown's Global Climate Action Summit, and apropos to the occasion, we will be joined for the first book party by the Forrest Gump of the environmental movement, S. David Freeman. If you don't know Dave, he is quite a character. He helped Richard Nixon set up the EPA; chaired the TVA under Carter; ran the LA DWP, SMUD, and other utilities; authored a couple of books; and is now shutting down nuclear power plants across the country with Friends of the Earth.
Dave is a dear friend and partner in crime, with whom we've been collaborating on the Climate Action Now bill to strengthen legislation from Sen. Jeff Merkley and others to transition to 100% renewable energy more quickly and efficiently.
Our book party the following day in Piedmont is at the home of Guy and Jeanine Saperstein. Guy is a famed civil rights attorney, philanthropist, and long-time friend of Mike's, shorter-time friend of mine. He founded the largest plaintiffs' civil rights firm in America; was the president of the Sierra Club Foundation; and helped to found the New Ideas Fund, a national security think tank. Guy and Jeanine love adventure and have a legendary romance.
So, either party is guaranteed to be a good time! You can buy a book in advance here, or at the party. Either way, we hope to see you soon!
